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In regards to


Six girls, horsewomen met one day around a common idea... but before that it's quite a story:

They lived during their lives, each in their own way, similar situations in the world of horses. They were neither competitive at heart, even less trendy in marketing.

They all read the same books, those of the "elders" or those of theRecognized Squireswho, however, like them, did not fit into the mould!  They preferred  beauty and goodness to performance, did their best to lead the horses that   Some have learned with masters in the field, others have forged themselves but all have in common a long experience in horse work and teaching .


 Despite this substantial experience, none really found their place in this world of horses engulfed by competition, where the only objectives for many remain immediate performance or quick judgment at the end of a lap..._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Isolated in their practice, hidden or officiating confidentially between the rigid lines drawn by modernity, they have decided to come together to promote their knowledge and hope that many people like them, with similar backgrounds, the same aspirations or sharing identical values   will soon join them in this great adventure that is AIAEEH!

This for the riders, the squires, the cursed poets, for the HORSES ESPECIALLY and so that riding tomorrow will not be ancient history! 


"Riding ceased to be an art when it became a sport, a sport of difficult execution claiming horses with great stock. Those who feel comfortable with competition obviously have no trouble taking part, as long as they own these horses... but quant to the others, who are neither less skilful nor less learned than the first, I am very much afraid that they will forever remain accursed poets."-Nuno Oliveira


What other phrase than that of the great master Nuno Oliveira would better sum up the idea that we gathered around the AIAEEH project?


Discover the professionals who have joined us, and take advantage of the offers put in place for members!

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